Monday, 11 April 2011

USIU's LOw budget B****es


Why she's low budget...

She ringa'z but she does not brush in the morning... Have a coversation with this lady at anytime of the day,and her breath is always bad...

Miss Maringo, what is it that you lack? toothpaste or toothbrush?


  1. bado ni mimi K8 Maringo!21 April 2011 at 02:42

    This Fala chick needs to bury her face n her armpits and smell the cheapness in her before critiquing others... so toothpaste we can buy what about brains??she has a bigger problem... I advise she visits the loo more often coz sittin on her shit z takin her waste to her brain n thats where she's gettin all this fuckery from!!!

  2. hahahha u will never be as fly as her dats why u b hating......u can fix breathe what bout ur face madame blogger u aint shit mami u aint shit...........

  3. How about you all get a life and quit with the negative comments!

  4. Never mind the haters! Man this is like TMZ, except it's actually relevant!

    A brother needs to be warned on the bith*z. Without this we find out when it's too damn late :(

    Keep it up!!
